“Today is an ephemeral ghost…A strange amazing day that comes only once every four years. For the rest of the time it does not “exist.”In mundane terms, it marks a “leap” in time, when the calendar is adjusted to make up for extra seconds accumulated over the preceding three years due to the rotation of the earth. A day of temporal tune up!But this day holds another secret—it contains one of those truly rare moments of delightful transience and light uncertainty that only exist on the razor edge of things, along a buzzing plane of quantum probability…A day of unlocked potential.Will you or won’t you? Should you or shouldn’t you? Use this day to do something daring, extraordinary and unlike yourself. Take a chance and shape a different pattern in your personal cloud of probability!”

“Technically, all tattoos are temporary, even permanent ones.”

“The idea that all souls are mortal is the only notion surely terminating love and all its forms.”

“in a worldfull oftemporary thingsyou area perpetual feeling.”

“Do not be fooled by what is temporary.”

“count no man happy until he be dead.”

“Huge difference between being happy at will, and chasing euphoric moments as an escape. One doesn’t cost a dime, the other will tax your soul.”

“My God, a moment of bliss. Why, isn’t that enough for a whole lifetime?”