All Quotes By Tag: Joyful
“All you need is what you have.”
“I dont celebrate any friendship that was build on hate, because we share the common enemy.”
“If you have influence on other people. Dont be influenced by their hate, money, jealousy, anger and popularity .”
“Children are no longer being parented, but are raised. Thats why they don’t have morals, ethics,humanity and manners, because their parents neglected them. We now live in a society that doesnt care about right or wrong.”
“When people support you when you have done something wrong. It doesnt mean you are right, but it means those people are promoting their hate , bad behavior or living their bad lives through you.”
“Never justify someones wrong action, without them apologizing first & admitting their wrongs. If you do. You are not making them better, but you are making them worse on the bad things they do.”
“Stay curious and stay joyful.”
“Christians have long realized that the whispered name “Jesus” can bring comfort and cheer to someone suffering or bereaved, and it can bring joyful hope to the fearful or depressed heart.”
“The more you open your heart to others, the more your life becomes joyful.”
“Just as the most beautiful rose grows next to painful thorns, so does the most joyful success reside next to the most painful failures.”
“A true friend is one who can feel your heart beating and dance with it when it is joyful, cry with it when it is torn, and inspire you when you are in need.”
“Happiness arises from getting what you want, and this comes and goes. Joy arises from being with what is – all of it!”
“We have come to see pain as the antithesis of happiness. Yet without the experience of pain we would not appreciate the experience of happiness.”
“If you walk in joy, happiness is close behind.”
“Huge difference between being happy at will, and chasing euphoric moments as an escape. One doesn’t cost a dime, the other will tax your soul.”