“The problem is us. We don’t look up to people who have made it in life to inspire us. Wanting to know how they made it. Instead, we look down to people who have failed in trying to make it. That we don’t want to start or try for ourselves because we don’t want to end up like them.”

“Don’t think less of me as a person because of my profession.”

“The best invention to come. The best design. The best next things to come it’s right in front of you. It might be something you use daily. Look carefully in your hood .In your surroundings, or in your life. Look at what is at your disposal. Look at your culture. It might make you the next millionaire. Pay attention to your hood. Don’t allow people to steal how you live and make that their new invention or ideas that will make them millionaires.”

“You are never old nor too late to do what you love , because there is no age limit in being happy.”