“Success without a successor is a failure”

“You can’t work with people you hate and succeed. At least, you won’t get the optimum of what you would have obtained when you work with people you love.”

“…[H]uman reason in its pure use, so long as it was not critically examined, has first tried all possible wrong ways before it succeeded in finding the one true way.”

“In times of failure you are alone. But success brings many friends.”

“Failure is the secret to success because doing it wrong is apart of doing it right.”

“Mistakes are part of life. And yet, for some reason, most parents in this world, wish their children made no mistakes at all, or as little as possible.”

“Fear kills dreams more than failure”

“If everything is possible, then it is also possible that something is impossible.”

“When we face every challenge with optimism and learn to fail with our heads up, a great attitude is always success, no matter the outcome.”

“Be nice to people on the way up. Not because you might meet them on the way back down, but.. because what’s the point in going through life being a c**t to everyone”

“The road to success is paved with the hot asphalt of failure.”

“You go on trying and trying, and you make many decisions and you take many vows,but nothing happens — you remain the same. Not that you have not tried,not that you have not tried enough, you have tried and tried and tried. And you fail because it is not a question of effort. More effort won’t help. It is a question of being alert, not of effort.”