“Pride could have destroyed me. But i cheated on pride. if i could cheat on pride then i could cheat on success too. Both were never met to good lovers. Jovita Efehi Obadolagonyi”

“Pride would have destroyed me. But i were able to cheat on pride. if i could cheat on pride then i could cheat on success too. Both were never meant to good lovers. Jovita Efehi Obadolagonyi”

“Pride would have destroyed me. But i were able cheat on pride. if i could cheat on pride then i could cheat on success too. Both were never meant to be good lovers. Jovita Efehi Obadolagonyi”

“Success is only possible to those whose hearts are willing and ready to embrace hard work”

“You cannot reach success only by working hard, you also need to be working smart.”

“One secret to living a great and successful life is to learn to develop and improve your potentials. Keep working on them, keep exercising and putting them to use. They get better and better the more you cultivate them.”

“Ultimately, while it is very important to devote oneself to work painstakingly, to get oneself totally engrossed in work while neglecting everything else, is equally incorrect.”

“Result of HARDWORK Is Neither Friends Nor Enemy,To the AGE Of the ACHIEVER!”

“To succeed in this competition means finding yourself in a place where you call the shots and get the gains. This is not an easy feat, unless you are born into it. if you are not, you will need to out-smart your equals. You need to be more ambitious than they are. You need to work harder. You need to look better and smarter. You need to justify why it should be you and not them. It’s a competition.”

“There is no limit to how good you can get in pursuit of perfection.”

“To be successful, one has to be one of three bees – the queen bee, the hardest working bee, or the bee that does not fit in.”

“You need to roar like thunder… to show your work… even if you shine like lightning!” ⚡”

“Designing Structures is an art and this needs to be transparent, as designs come and go but creativity stays there”