All Quotes By Tag: Success-quotes
“Failure teaches you a lesson.The latter guides you to success.”
“Pride could have destroyed me. But i cheated on pride. if i could cheat on pride then i could cheat on success too. Both were never met to good lovers. Jovita Efehi Obadolagonyi”
“It’s unwise to be a backseat driver, passenger or bystander in your own life.”
“Accept no limitations and you’ll have no limitations.”
“I’ve tried to solve problems to the best of my knowledge. Many times I was successful, but sometimes I also failed. And now I finally understand – that’s life.”
“It’s not your fault if you were born or brought up in adverse circumstances. But, if this continues when you are an independent adult, no one else is responsible.”
“Let’s see what all it takes. I am ready to give everything.”
“Deep down buried in the cerebrum is you who is far greater than just the odd electric impulses that defines you. Recoup your-“self”.”
“For me, better is energy-giving, flourishing, stretching, thriving, making progress one step at a time.”
“By acting or performing our way into a new way of thinking, we can sometimes unearth elements of us that we didn’t believe were possible.”
“When we’re brave enough to try something else we can often change what we understand to be possible or worth doing, and ultimately who we believe ourselves to be.”
“One reason the concept of becoming better can scare us is that it requires us to step out of a place that we recognize and have possibly grown comfortable with.”
“If your thoughts and actions are in sync….Magic happens… success happens…!”
“In order to receive a miracle from God, you must first be in a position to need a miracle from God. Appreciate your adversities in advance.”
“Fortune crowns the bold before the worthy”