All Quotes By Tag: Success-quotes
“Do not judge my success by the destination I reached but the distance I traveled.”
“The success of a man should be measured not by his income but by his tax returns.”
“Before you chase success, status, power, wealth fame or love; first fall in love with yourself – for the person you’ll be if and when you get there is still the same. Success will be a painful path and an empty trophy without self acceptance, self worth or if littered with self hate.”
“Don’t value your self worth by others or external things but by appreciating who you are within. And if you must measure your success do it not by what you have gained personally but what you have contributed to a wider benefit. – Rasheed Ogunlaru”
“Break the rules not because you don’t know better, but because you know them too well”
“The road to success begins with knowing what you need to know and why”
“Although sometimes the road to success follows a path less-travelled, a path less-travelled often leads to nowhere”
“Success is not a finite resource; share it, wish it on others, and celebrate others”
“Even during a mid-life crisis do not deviate from your goal. History remembers only those who succeed.”
“Life is surprises, try not to expect everything.”
“Success and failure are relative categories. Therefore, do not exult in victory and do not despair after defeat. Accept the changes in life placidly, knowing that autumn and winter come after summer.”
“Success does not start at the top; it begins by deciding to get up from the bottom.”
“You may not need to do it all, design it all or direct it all. But when it comes to making things you want to happen to happen you may well have to inspire and drive it all.”
“Success is a path of setbacks, passion, purpose and inner strength”
“While there may be many things in life you wish to harvest not every seed you plant will grow.”