“You may not need to do it all, design it all or direct it all. But when it comes to making things you want to happen to happen you may well have to inspire and drive it all.”

“The first decade of driving is the most hazardous.”

“Never mind, you know the word must; with that word one does many things.”

“you gotta count your blessings in money and your money in millions”

“It is good to have your own vision, but it is dangerous not to run with it.”

“You’ll blame your conditions, others will blame your decisions.”

“One of the biggest obstacles to obtaining goals is not making a plan. If you really want to achieve something, write down a plan of attack right now.”

“If you design a compelling future, it’s easier to push yourself because your vision will pull you.”

“You are your biggest obstacle, but you are also the change that you seek.”

“When the truth hurts, create a better truth.”

“If you could speak to yourself 5 years from now, what would your future self ask you to prioritize?”

“Don’t live the same day over and over again and call that a life. Life is about evolving mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.”

“Be great at what you do and make no apologies for your wins.”

“Bad luck with women is a determined man’s road to success. For every affliction, he makes, out of indignation, yet another advancement in order to exceed the man that the woman chose over him. This goes to show that great men are made great because they once learned how to fight the feeling of rejection.”

“There’s sometimes a tugging feeling you get to push further when you aren’t being challenged enough or when things get too comfortable.”