“The path you do not take today is the path you will regret not taking tomorrow.”

“Where you dare to venture where you have not gone before, you will return somehow changed.”

“Treasures are not found where many feet have trampled. They are found along the paths that no one else has taken…yet.”

“The journey isn’t the vista at the end, it’s the ever changing view along the way.”

“Sometimes the steepest, most challenging and most rewarding paths in life are not meant to be walked, but crawled.”

“The easy path will seldom lead where you need to go.”

“You don’t get strong by standing at the finish line, you get strong with every step you take to get there.”

“You will never get to a new place by walking an old path.”

“The only way the journey ends is if you stop moving.”

“If you do not direct your path, the world will. Don’t ever let anyone make you go where you do not want to be.”

“The path that reveals itself to you is the path you are meant to take.”

“A wolf searches the path for prey that has paused. Keep moving.”

“I can only change the world by changing myself.”

“Some of the most memorable paths I’ve taken have been detours.”

“The secret is not following the right path, it’s following that right path to the end. Don’t quit, my friend, until you’ve arrived.”