“The most valuable lessons in life do not come when you are walking or running. They come when you fall down. You better take them and rise up!”

“You will never get to a new place by walking an old path.”

“Sometimes the steepest, most challenging and most rewarding paths in life are not meant to be walked, but crawled.”

“The path you walk today will determine where you are tomorrow.”

“Yesterday I soared above the clouds. Today I’ll walk the earth again.”

“When walking alone on the path of discovery, have faith that you are illuminating the way for others to follow.”

“Garraty wondered how it would be, to lie in the biggest, dustiest library silence of all, dreaming endless, thoughtless dreams behind your gummed-down eyelids, dressed forever in your Sunday suit. No worries about money, success, fear, joy, pain, sorrow, sex, or love. Absolute zero. No father, mother, girlfriend, lover. The dead are orphans. No company but the silence like a moth’s wing. An end to the agony of movement, to the long nightmare of going down the road. The body in peace, stillness, and order. The perfect darkness of death.How would that be? Just how would that be?”

“The brevity of life is walk in the path of light.”

“As we walk back, it feels like the city is engulfing us. Adrenalin still pours through our veins. Sparks flow through to our fingers. We’ve still been running in the mornings, but the city’s different then. It’s filled with hope and with bristles of winter sunshine. In the evening, it’s like it dies, waiting to be born again the next morning.”

“Live with love, walk with love, speak with love and listen with love. You will find that life is a fountain of love, joy and happiness.”

“Smartass Disciple: Master, I feel really really confused about the truth.Master of Stupidity: Only confused? Walk in my shoes then you tell me.”

“I love to walk. Walking is a spiritual journey and a reflection of living. Each of us must determine which path to take and how far to walk; we must find our own way, what is right for one may not be for another. There is no single right way to deal with late stage cancer, to live life or approach death, or to walk an old mission trail.”

“Walk, and I shall light the way for you.Have faith, and I will show you love all around you.Smile, and I will show you that you are not alone.”

“I walk alone with God at my side.”

“When beauty walks, rainbows take to the air.”