All Quotes By Tag: Well-being
“When the spirit is happy, the soul is full of smiles.”
“You aren’t doing “nothing” when you choose to put your well-being first. In fact, this is the key to having everything.”
“You aren’t doing “nothing” when you choose to put your wellbeing first. In fact, this is the key to having everything.”
“Exercise is not a chore! Improving your health and well-being should be something you enjoy, in combating stress, so be sure to always have fun whilst doing it.”
“Our body is a sacred temple A place to connect with people. As we aren’t staying any younger We might as well keep it stronger.”
“Your emotional state has a tremendous amount to do with sickness, health and well-being. For years, my husband and I lived on — and because of — hope. Hope continues to give me the mental strength to carry on.”
“We do not learn for the benefit of anyone, we learn to unlearn ignorance.”
“Health is not defined simply by a lack of illness. Health includes laughter, love, and positivity. Mental health, physical health, and soul health. Being in health is to be in a positive state of well-being on all levels.”
“Happiness” alone does not guarantee mental health and well-being. A tempering dose of disappointment- an occasional taste of frustration and learning that you do recover from it- goes a long way toward producing long-term contentment. Indeed the ability to ride out the bad times without feeling doomed is essential to survival. When happiness is not taken for granted, and when one is acquainted with its opposite it is more easily savored and has more lasting effects.”
“Being truly happy in life involves you feeling more in control of the direction your life is going.”
“Be thankful for a breath of fresh air to be alive and well. Allow love and happiness to penetrate throughout your mind and soul. Take time to relax and live in the moment, the now, the present. Enjoy today.”
“You don’t have to be like anyone else. You just need to learn more about your own creative self and start blooming.”
“Sometimes customizing is necessary because of an injury or the inability to do, for a short or long period, the kind of exercise you formerly did. When you’re used to customizing for fun, doing it under duress won’t seem like such an imposition. Either way, experiment until you find activities that make you happy as well as healthy. Choose your exercise using the same criteria you’d apply to choosing a date–that is, attractive to you and able to hold your interest for an hour.”
“Recognizing that you are not where you want to be is a starting point to begin changing your life.”
“Sometimes we must undergo hardships, breakups, and narcissistic wounds, which shatter the flattering image that we had of ourselves, in order to discover two truths: that we are not who we thought we were; and that the loss of a cherished pleasure is not necessarily the loss of true happiness and well-being. (109)”