“I have a feeling we’re going to have a lot of time to read in the next few days or weeks.” She thought about it and said, “Jesus. How long do you think things will go on like this?”

“Sitting here I glance over my right shoulder at the little row of books, red and green and blue, which stand waiting for my hand, offering their accumulated riches. I think of the years that may be in store for me, and of all the pages I may turn.”

“Hard life… write more! Life sucks… write more! No matter what don’t stop. Keep to the grind and don’t let up. Somewhere out there is your ramp to success. Forget about the exits or the shortcuts along the way. Stay on the highway and when the ramp comes… take it and go!”

“Confronted with the choice between having time and having things, we’ve chosen to have things. Today it is a luxury to read what Socrates said, not because the books are expensive, but because our time is scarce.”

“[When] he’s here, he’s always reading. He says books stop time. I myself think he’s crazy…Don’t tell anyone, but when he reads something that he likes he gets real happy, turns on the music, and dances by himself, or with a broom sometimes.”

“The great opposition to reading is what I allow to fill my time instead of reading. To say we have no time to read is not really true; we simply have chosen to use our time for other things, or have allowed our time to be filled to the exclusion of reading. So don’t add reading to your to-do list. Just stop doing the things that keep you from doing it. But read.”

“Having come to the conclusion that there was so much to do that she didn’t know where to start, Mrs Fowler decided not to start at all. She went to the library, took Diary of a Nobody from the shelves and, returning to her wicker chair under the lime tree, settled down to waste what precious hours still remained of the day.”

“Art is the whisper of history, heard above the noise of time.”

“She had the bizarre feeling of time bending all around her, as though she was from the past reading about the future, or from the future reading about the past.”

“The days weren’t long enough for the reading she wanted to do.”

“فأنا بدون القراءة، قراءة أي شيء، شأني شأن مدمن لا يجد سيجارة. لا أعرف كيف أنسى الوقت وأجعله غير مسموع في انتظام قلبي ونفسي.”

“For every book you buy, you should buy the time to read it.”

“She measured time in pages. Half an hour, to her, meant ten pages read, or fourteen, depending on the size of the type, and when you think of time in this way there isn’t time for anything else.”

“My education was the liberty I had to read indiscriminately and all the time, with my eyes hanging out.”

“We love to buy books because we believe we’re buying the time to read them.[Inside Out (VH1)]”