“The greatest innovators and history makers of our world were not great because of the formal school system but because of self-development through the proper investment and conversation of time.”

“Another distraction that deviates people from their God given purpose and calling is the distraction of job and formal education.”

“Education attainment is a kind of achievement that nobody can seize from us as the assets we own in our regular lives because we earned it with the use of our own knowledge and creativity.”

“Every great endeavour is fueled by great enthusiasm.”

“Without failure, there is no success.”

“The educators pride of their profession opens the space to more giving that knows no limitation, and it is a demand that is forced by things nature, and a logic that is required by the profession reality to every organization that wants success and chooses winning by making sure that all of their employees has this effective spirit.”

“If you stop learning, you forget what you ready know.”

“If you don’t know your tendencies and can’t analyze when you are most effective, then how can you get the most done in the least amount of time with the best results?”

“Learning, empowering, studying, practicing, and not repeating the same mistakes will help you move forward, move up, and move on to where you want to be.”

“Education wouldn’t stop you from passing over opportunities repeatedly. You can be educated and still be poor. It’s only your ‘true intelligence’ that would make you face one single cause until you succeed. You have no idea of what’s gonna happen next, so you gotta open your eyes wide to see. Life is all about ‘improvisation’ and not those sacred certificates.”

“you have to have the fight to win to win the fight – (G Swiss)”

“Don’t be the reason why the educational system is still crawling because you don’t believe you are good enough to add value to the educational system”

“Don’t delay God’s agenda to deliver quality education to your sphere of influence”

“From kindergarten to the valedictory address, schools grade, rank, and label their best performers. The top high school student wins the first major life contest, a competition in which most members of society participate. Following high school, victors enter subsequent contests at an advantage. The race is never restarted.”

“To be number one is to be publicly labeled a winner in the system that counts – a system of advancement through personal merit and effort in rugged competition. Labels of success – Rhodes scholar, Nobel laureate, Heisman Trophy winner – follow a person through life and define him or her to the public. One such label, valedictorian, marks academic winners. Schools in the United States have at least one common belief: high academic achievement is a good thing.”