“It’s better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life.”

“Envision life as you’re juggling 6 balls. The balls are called faith, work, family, health, friends, and integrity. But one day, you realize that work is a rubber ball. If dropped, it will bounce back. The other 5 balls faith, family, health, friends, & integrity are made of glass. If you drop one of these, it will be surely scuffed, nicked, or even shattered. Grasp this concept and you will have the beginnings of balance in your life.”

“No one knows you better than the one who created you.”

“The longer you hold on to your anger, the more damage & harm it can do. But I think life should have given us someone who could understand every feeling we hide behind our smile. A best friend maybe…. Someone, you feel comfortable with.”

“Do not wait too long in living your dreams.”

“Every house is built by a man. But Maker is the Builder of life.”

“Life, life.”

“GPS has saved countless relationships because us men do not like to ask for directions. Now if women could only come with relationship GPS we would be one step closer to world peace.”

“How can we tell when trouble shall arise?”

“Our mind speak to our souls about the lifestyle we should have. Nobody can dictate our souls because we only have control of our own character and ambition.”

“If you’re trapped in a cage, you don’t want to start being grateful for the protection of the bars. You need to be grateful that there are gaps in between them so you can see what’s on the other side.”

“Mother nature has no involvement with the existence of a dystopia in our society. . A dystoopia comes into existence when human beings neglects the importance of maintaining a clean environment or cause destruction against a massive group of other people for an illogical/negative purpose.”

“Si hablas con la gente, sin embargo, verás que la mayoría tiene mucha más conciencia de lo que limita su libertad que de la libertad misma. Te dirán: “¿Libertad? ¿Pero de qué libertad me hablas? ¿Cómo vamos a ser libres, si nos comen el coco desde la televisión, si los gobernantes nos engañan y nos manipulan, si los terroristas nos amenazan, si las drogas nos esclavizan, y si además me falta dinero para comprarme una moto, que es lo que yo quisiera?” En cuanto te fijes un poco, verás que los que así hablan parece que se están quejando pero en realidad se encuentran muy satisfechos de saber que no son libres. En el fondo piensan: “¡Uf! ¡Menudo peso nos hemos quitado de encima! Como no somos libres, no podemos tener la culpa de lo que nos ocurra…” Pero yo soy seguro de que nadie -nadie- cree de verdad que no es libre, nadie acepta sin más que funciona como un mecanismo inexorable de relojería o como una termita. Uno puede considerar que optar libremente por ciertas cosas en ciertas circunstancias es muy difícil […] y que es mejor decir que no hay libertad para no reconocer que libremente se prefiere lo más fácil […]. Pero dentro de las tripas algo insiste en decirnos: “Si tú hubieras querido…”.”

“I wonder that if you keep growing and changing like you’re supposed to, if you always end up embarrassed about how stupid you used to be. Every year I realize how dumb I was the year before.”