“Only if you are possible, everything will be possible.”

“If you find yourself easily provoked, then just change the channel.”

“It’s sometimes easier to help others rather than helping yourself. The trick is to listen to your “self” as a friend. This may be the simplest change you ever make in life, with the biggest impact.”

“Avoid those who seek friends in order to maintain a certain social status or to open doors they would not otherwise be able to approach.”

“Not being excited is to have missed the whole point of life.”

“Kita tidak perlu menjelaskan panjang lebar. Itu kehidupan kita. Tidak perlu siapa pun mengakuinya untuk dibilang hebat. Kitalah yang tahu persis setiap perjalanan hidup yang kita lakukan. Karena sebenarnya yang tahu persis kita bahagia atau tidak, tulus atau tidak, hanya kita sendiri. Kita tidak perlu menggapai seluruh catatan hebat menurut versi manusia sedunia. Kita hanya perlu merengkuh rasa damai dalam hati kita sendiri.Kita tidak perlu membuktikan apa pun kepada siapa pun bahwa kita itu baik. Buat apa? Sama sekali tidak perlu. Jangan merepotkan diri sendiri dengan penilaian orang lain. Karena toh, kalaupun orang lain menganggap kita demikian, pada akhirnya tetapi kita sendiri yang tahu persis apakah kita memang sebaik itu.”

“If there’s a single lesson that life teaches us, it’s that wishing doesn’t make it so. Words and thoughts don’t change anything. Language and reality are kept strictly apart — reality is tough, unyielding stuff, and it doesn’t care what you think or feel or say about it. Or it shouldn’t. You deal with it, and you get on with your life.”

“Be comforted, dear soul! There is always light behind the clouds.”

“Ability can take you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there”

“One of the hardest and truest things a grown-up learns is that sometimes it’s not okay.”

“There’s no such thing as ready, there’s only willing.”

“I’d spent so long trying to fit in,trying to be someone i wasn’t,that i had no idea who i was any more.”

“That was when I first observed a phenomenon I now call the “New York Slide”: you offer your words to try to communicate and connect with someone, but your words just hit a brick wall the person has erected to ward off human contact- the words slide down it and roll away.”

“And the memories of all we have loved stay and come back to us in the evening of our life. They are not dead but sleep, and it is well to gather a treasure of them.”

“We may indeed die here, that’s true. But we will all die anyway-is there any denying that? When you think of all the possible ways you might go, this is as fine a place as any, isn’t it? I mean, to end one’s life surrounded by friends, in a comfortable, dry room with plenty to read… that doesn’t sound too awful, does it?””What is the advantage of fear, or the benefit of regret, or the bonus of granting misery a foothold even if death is embracing you? My old abbot used to say, ‘Life is only precious if you wish it to be.’ I look at it like the last bite of a wonderful meal-do you enjoy it, or does the knowledge that there is no more to follow make it so bitter that you would ruin the experience?” The monk looked around, but no one answered him. “If Maribor wishes for me to die, who am I to argue? After all, it is he who gave me life to begin with. Until he decides I am done, each day is a gift granted to me, and it would be wasted if spent poorly. Besides, for me, I’ve learned that the last bite is often the sweetest.”