“At the same time I know that it’s not really their fault, at least not completely. I did my part too. I did it on a hundred different days and in a thousand different ways, and I know it. But this makes the anger worse, not better.”

“Life is choosing whom and what you love. Everything else follows.”

“I didn’t give up, I walked awayI had enough of accepting actions that were less than I deserved.So…I made a concious choiceTo honour myself,Before complementing another & If that’s what; has made you undeniably mad, Than I know, the history of our connection is hidden in the truth of your heart and regardless of your outcome, I have made the right choice for me.”

“Sometimes it made her want to put her fist through glass; other times, it made her cry a river.”

“I’m just saying it doesn’t always have to be spirits and magic. Sometimes hauntings are in your mind. It doesn’t make them less real.”

“If there’s a single lesson that life teaches us, it’s that wishing doesn’t make it so. Words and thoughts don’t change anything. Language and reality are kept strictly apart — reality is tough, unyielding stuff, and it doesn’t care what you think or feel or say about it. Or it shouldn’t. You deal with it, and you get on with your life.”

“Be comforted, dear soul! There is always light behind the clouds.”

“Ability can take you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there”

“One of the hardest and truest things a grown-up learns is that sometimes it’s not okay.”

“Only if you are possible, everything will be possible.”

“If you find yourself easily provoked, then just change the channel.”

“It’s sometimes easier to help others rather than helping yourself. The trick is to listen to your “self” as a friend. This may be the simplest change you ever make in life, with the biggest impact.”

“Avoid those who seek friends in order to maintain a certain social status or to open doors they would not otherwise be able to approach.”

“Not being excited is to have missed the whole point of life.”

“Kita tidak perlu menjelaskan panjang lebar. Itu kehidupan kita. Tidak perlu siapa pun mengakuinya untuk dibilang hebat. Kitalah yang tahu persis setiap perjalanan hidup yang kita lakukan. Karena sebenarnya yang tahu persis kita bahagia atau tidak, tulus atau tidak, hanya kita sendiri. Kita tidak perlu menggapai seluruh catatan hebat menurut versi manusia sedunia. Kita hanya perlu merengkuh rasa damai dalam hati kita sendiri.Kita tidak perlu membuktikan apa pun kepada siapa pun bahwa kita itu baik. Buat apa? Sama sekali tidak perlu. Jangan merepotkan diri sendiri dengan penilaian orang lain. Karena toh, kalaupun orang lain menganggap kita demikian, pada akhirnya tetapi kita sendiri yang tahu persis apakah kita memang sebaik itu.”