“Our mind speak to our souls about the lifestyle we should have. Nobody can dictate our souls because we only have control of our own character and ambition.”

“But one of the big lessons I have learned from my journey is you can’t please everyone, so don’t try.”

“In moments when you feel that life is unbearably heavy, surrender yourself to the circumstances for a while! When life hits you hard and makes you fall down, take a rest on the ground for a while! Momentaneous non-resistance will give you time to gather your strength!”

“Do no harm, take no shit,”

“A peaceful spirit, a prosperous soul.”

“The journey of the Freedom Seeker isn’t always easy. But it is essential, and it is urgent, for it is the path to coming alive again.”

“Life is a battle of wits between you and the circumstances. Make them, don’t let them make you.”

“Мислех си, че човек никога не знае след какви загуби може да оцелее. Никога не си в състояние да предвидиш какво можеш да надживееш. Едва когато катастрофата те връхлита и ти си сред нея, се разкрива дълбочината на вътрешните ти резерви – и нито миг по-рано.”

“The right path in life will always come with patience. It’s when we reach an understanding that everything happens in God’s time that we walk the right path.”

“Emotional intelligence is making a huge mistake, but learning from it, forgiving yourself, and setting new and higher related-standards below which you will never operate.”

“…the more I felt that perhaps believing in fairies was more important than seeing them. In seeing, there is often question and doubt.”

“In the whole world you will find two good things one is your ego and other is that person who treating you well.”