All Quotes By Tag: Freedom-quotes
“Your heart knows there is a greater version of your life available to you.”
“In finding the courage and confidence to escape our cages and shine, we help others do the same.”
“If you’re trapped in a cage, you don’t want to start being grateful for the protection of the bars. You need to be grateful that there are gaps in between them so you can see what’s on the other side.”
“Escape is a process, not a pill.”
“The journey of the Freedom Seeker isn’t always easy. But it is essential, and it is urgent, for it is the path to coming alive again.”
“It’s dangerous to be grateful for the cage that traps you.”
“Freedom is the willingness and ability to choose your own path and experience your life as your true self.”
“We all have the innate capacity to feel free.”
“While you cannot always change your situation, you can always change the way you respond to it.”
“If you can choose your way into a cage, you can choose your way out.”
“Freedom seeking is the path to coming alive again.”
“I am a Freedom Seeker, willing and able to choose my own path.”
“I am a Freedom Seeker and I choose to feel free. ”
“I am a Freedom Seeker, committed to experiencing my life as my true self.”
“Sometimes we have spent so long in the cage that it feels safer to be trapped inside.”