“We all need to be far more gentler with each other.And realise that some people’s heart’s injure with far more ease than others and dance to a quieter music.”

“It is truly ironic that a four-hundred tonne aluminium monster floats so effortlessly through the sky, and only the five-year-old thinks to say, “Wow!”

“The secrets to joy, aren’t secrets at all. They aren’t being whispered. You are just not listening loudly enough to the wisdom of your inner voice.”

“If we could just look into the SOUL of another human being, and not look at the color of their skin, see past their religious beliefs, we would surely see that the same GOD resides within us all”

“I promised to touch your soul. I never said it would be painless.”

“What good are the pretty clothes?when your soul is dirty”

“Your mind is heavenly when it thinks love. Your heart is divine when it feels love. Your soul is transcendent when it gives love.”

“Souls recognize other kindred souls by the way they feel. Not by the way they look. So what’s with all the focus on looks?”

“Your mind is the key to your world.Your heart is the key to your life.Your soul is the key to your universe.”

“Eyes, for reality. Ears, for truth. Hands, for skill. Feet, for speed. Mind, for wisdom. Heart, for joy. Soul, for love. Life, for enlightenment.”

“Truth has no eyes, but finds its way into our hearts; and no feet, but finds its way into our souls.”