All Quotes By Tag: Powerful-women
“God has already equipped you with the skills you need to achieve your dreams. If you just try, work hard, take control of your destiny, remain true to yourself and believe it is possible, you will have unlimited power to achieve the impossible.”
“It is truly ironic that a four-hundred tonne aluminium monster floats so effortlessly through the sky, and only the five-year-old thinks to say, “Wow!”
“The secrets to joy, aren’t secrets at all. They aren’t being whispered. You are just not listening loudly enough to the wisdom of your inner voice.”
“Faith in God will elevate you to next level blessings.”
“She is of the strangest beauty and the darkest courage, and when she walks with intent the earth trembles beneath her feet.”
“She’s got self-love, self-confidence, and self-motivation. She is POWERFUL… She is me!”
“To say nothing is saying something. You must denounce things you are against or one might believe that you support things you really do not.”