“To be enveloped in the pure atmosphere of divine love is to be created by God”

“Stored personal memories along with handed down collective memories of stories, legends, and history allows us to collate our interactions with a physical and social world and develop a personal code of survival. In essence, we all become self-styled sages, creating our own book of wisdom based upon our studied observations and practical knowledge gleaned from living and learning. What we quickly discover is that no textbook exist how to conduct our life, because the world has yet to produce a perfect person – an ideal observer – whom is capable of handing down a concrete exemplar of epistemic virtues. We each draw upon the guiding knowledge, theories, and advice available for us in order to explore the paradoxes, ironies, inconsistencies, and the absurdities encountered while living in a supernatural world. We mold our personal collection of information into a practical practicum how to live and die. Each day we define and redefine who we are, determine how we will react today, and chart our quest into an uncertain future.”

“Life introduces us to the gentle, cosmic rhythms of an extraneous world. What is objective truth might exceed human capacity to ever fully perceive, comprehend, and explain.”

“Our parents gave us false inspiration about life, but one day you will find out why they did.”

“Specific knowledge is needed in every work, if we want to have success”

“Only a very foolish person would think that specialized knowledge is important in everything apart from agriculture and farming”

“People who desire to acquire success need to have knowledge”

“The only obstacle is the absence of the knowledge in our minds of the wisdom of God that is able to move any mountain”

“We have to continually grow in the knowledge of Christ, in order to avoid every limitation of our human understanding, and allow the Lordship of God’s information, which is hidden in His wisdom”

“A lack of knowledge always leads to defeat and destruction”

“The reason for the absence of success in your life is not due to the lack of money, but to not having enough knowledge of the principles of success”

“The greed never ends though,The peace within soul comes.”

“It is wise to ask questions. The only way for anyone to experience truth is to find it on their own through their own seeking, experience(s), and inner knowing. The depth of knowledge a person obtains through experiencing something firsthand, and by it resonating as truth within one’s heart, far exceeds a belief taught to them using mere words.”

“This is how 99% of people select their jobs: pay, work environment, hours. But that’s the point. Putting lifestyle first is how you find a job – not a calling.”