“You must understand that all great things come through time conversion.”

“We are products of the lack of understanding of the people who raised us up.”

“We are products of their understanding or lack of understanding.”

“The recession and regression of any society are always an indication of how poorly the citizens of that country understand the value of time.”

“You will leave your foot print in the sand of history if you understand and apply the power of time conversion.”

“If you must record some greatness in your account before you leave this earth, you must value time and understand the importance of time conversion.”

“You have to come to understand that your life is diminishing rapidly if you don’t convert it into valuable products.”

“When you understand the value of time, the resource and the wealth of time, you will be running away from the crowd, you will be running away from distractions.”

“People who do not waste their life truly understand the importance of time.”

“If you understand that a wasted time is a wasted life, you will start running away from television, you will begin to run away from movies, you will run away from games like criminal case and candy crush.”

“People who understands how to convert their time into useful products do not complain of boredom.”

“This generation does not understand the wealth of time. No wonder there are only a few superstars and great men emerging from this generation.”

“People who understand how to convert their time into useful products do not complain of boredom. They have too many important tasks to accomplish that they can hardly get bored.”

“When you understand that through the power of conversion in solitude you can become great, so many things you’ve been wasting your time on will no longer interest you. You will even run away from some friends.”

“When you understand the value of time, the resource and the wealth of time, you will be running away from the crowd.”