“The true meaning of success is not in how many times you failed because of your hindrances, but how you became a success regardless of your hindrances and failures”

“We were created for a purpose and we must achieve something! Mankind is however void without being religious with all his getting! Religion is neither the mere necessary outward formality nor the daily common words, thoughts, actions and deeds which win popular applause or attract uncommon opposition or a noble silence, but a true and a sincere heart and mind that speaks and acts faith and religion outwardly with words, thoughts, actions and deeds in a true solemn manner; a total and an absolute self denial holy, pleasant, orderly and submissive to God Almighty; knowing The Way and walking in and on The Way with an unshakable faith, and in true fellowship with true like minded ones in peace, with a great understanding for others, and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit of the Sovereign Lord God Almighty!”

“Religion means peace! Faith means understanding!”

“Keep hoping until hope dies; remember, however, that hope never dies! Just take good steps with faith and hope!”

“Religion: total submission to God as it pleases Him and not as we think it would please Him”

“Remember the ancient days! Remember the fathers of old! Remember the ancient men who worked in our Fathers’ vineyard! Their patience, strong faith, tenacity, courage and fortitude, long suffering and understanding, persistence and power! They heard the purpose, and they took the journey. They heard the call, and they responded to the call. Their records are our examples; their footprints are our lessons! Their faith; our mirror! God has used some people before, and He can also use us also today!Remember their obedience and sacrifices; obedience and sacrifices that invoked Abraham to take steps to sacrifice his son Isaac; obedience and sacrifices for which reason Ananias and Sapphira had to die for not rendering a good account of their ‘own’ properties! Obedience and sacrifices which inspired the disciples of Jesus Christ to face death ending moments and still rejoiced in the Lord! Remember Elijah! Remember Elisha! Remember Abraham, Remember Moses! Remember Joshua! Remember Daniel! Remember Samuel! Remember David! Remember Peter! Remember the apostle Paul! Remember Silas! Remember Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego; keep your faith! Peter, Stephen, James… remember! You are called to call; you are called to work; we are saved to proclaim salvation; we are in His vineyard to do something; let us do something noble and solemn for our Masters applauds!”

“What a joy it is to hear your Saviors voiceSpeak gently to you saying“I am with you, I am with you”What a relief it is to know that your SaviorStill stands by you through the thick and thinsWith absolute faith I respond,Lord I believe, Lord I believe!Without doubt I sayLord Jesus Christ I believe!Never seen tomorrow, but still marching into itNever seen Heaven, but still hoping for itNever seen Jesus Christ, but still trusting in HimIn dreams He speaks to me saying, “I am with you, I am with you”With absolute faith I respond,Lord I believe, Lord I believe!Without doubt I sayLord Jesus Christ I believe!Wanting to see You; waiting to be with YouAfter I have come to my journeys endGuide my to live everyday for and with YouTaking each step with you until I get to the endSay to me always, “I am with you” With absolute faith I shall respond,Lord I believe, Lord I believe!Without doubt I shall sayLord Jesus Christ I believe!”

“When our faith sinks, empower and uplift usWhen our hopes die, redeem and give us lifeWhen we face battles untold, lead and guard usWhen our sins show, show your mercy and your graceOh Thou who sustained them, sustain usOh Thou who led them, lead usOh Lord God Almighty, be with us!When we meet the walls of Jericho in our days, let them fall before our eyes as in their daysWhen we meet the deepest puzzles like the then,do the Daniels thing for us with Thy ‘pen’Oh Thou who sustained them, sustain usOh Thou who led them, lead usOh Lord God Almighty, be with us!When we seem lost and blockedBe the God of Elijah for usWhen the night seem long for a dawnLet us see the days of Joshua in our daysOh Thou who sustained them, sustain usOh Thou who led them, lead usOh Lord God Almighty, be with us!When the accuser arise with accusations untoldBe our fence, our counsel and our defenseWhen we call on you, answer us by Thy graceWhen we cry unto you, hear us with Thy merciesOh Thou who sustained them, sustain usOh Thou who led them, lead usOh Lord God Almighty, be with us!That glory and honor shall be unto the FatherThat glory and honor shall be unto the SonWe humbly plea; be with us! Be with us!In our journey to Thy gracious end, be with us!Oh Thou who sustained them, sustain usOh Thou who led them, lead usOh Lord God Almighty, be with us!”

“Never ever let your hope and faith in God die. Keep hoping until hope dies; remember, however, that hope never dies. God is never an uncaring Father. The most important thing we can ever have from Him whilst we live is the gift of life we have. We must never ever trade it for anything else!”

“There is hope for the sinner! Salvation is there for the unbelief! The saved don’t need salvation; they only need to be strengthened for the rescue work! Absolute repentance, a true faith and hope in Jesus Christ are the most important things the sinner and the unbelief need for a true salvation in Christ!”

“The mere fact that things are not working well does not mean things cannot work well. Mind your lens; check your understanding!”

“It is never over, though we are in December!”

“Hope lives in everybody; faith is closer to us than we can imagine! When despair calls you, call your faith and awake your hope, so they may give answers!”

“Whenever I see a mountain, I remember God is still alive!”

“The true faith of saints of old in God were put to real test, not just with absolute abundance, comfort and divine provisions, but more importantly, by unthinkable challenges!”