All Quotes By Tag: Life-and-living
“If you don’t know what you want form life, everything will appear either as an obstacle or a burden. But one of the greatest lessons of history is that the whole world gets out of the way for people who know what they want or where they are going. Be assure, if you don’t know where you are going, you are lost.”
“In moments when you feel that life is unbearably heavy, surrender yourself to the circumstances for a while! When life hits you hard and makes you fall down, take a rest on the ground for a while! Momentaneous non-resistance will give you time to gather your strength!”
“Don’t spend your life wondering “what if” and worrying over something you have no control. What’s done is done. Looking backwards will cause you to miss out on new blessings ahead. Move on.”
“Science is good, is not God. ~_~”
“Spread love. Hug the people you care about and make sure they know that you care and appreciate them. Make it known to your friends and family that you love them.”
“All humans are rogues. Cured only by death.”
“As per the law of karma, that which is your meat today, this dear beloved animal will make mincemeat of you tomorrow. In another birth.”
“Killing or eating animals is an act of beasts. Stirs within the devil. Sorry. It spurs evil. Thus is truth – at least the metaphysical.”
“A sudden shock rattles your soul. The ground shifts. In minutes it is over, but it takes a long time to find your center of balance again”
“You get to take what this world gives you.”
“A huge part of recovery and life -is slowing down and accepting the unKNOWN. This is how you get to KNOW –yourself.”
“We lived in an age where fake is a must”
“Life should be so Laurel that we need not Live in Fantasy.”
“[People] add their own pieces to your puzzle until they feel that they understand you.”
“What’s the work for emotion in our life? I’ll say emotion gives the motion in life. If you don’t have emotion, then you will act like robot. You can’t feel anything. But we must feel everything from our mind. If any act doesn’t touch our mind then how could we live?”