“Leaders cannot build a successful nation once they are yoked to these two evils, ignarance and greed.”

“We seek excellence before we seek understanding, wisdom before we gain knowledge, success before we understand hardwork; for this reason we need great teachers and leaders.”

“Those who expect opportunities to happen will never get as far as those who make opportunities happen.”

“There is always another way, make sure you look in all directions before deciding to give up”

“Time is a timely teacher.”

“All achievements – all feats of excellence, rise from the protoplasmic realm of the brain.”

“Just ’cause there’s snow on the roof doesn’t mean there’s not a fire inside.”

“Love completely possessed her, in the only way that one could be completely possessed by something, in the Lord.”

“Your obstacles are not your end. Please remember that, and try again.”

“Playing it safe might not have hurt anyone, but it wouldn’t have inspired many, either.”

“The search for purpose and meaning is fundamentally human; the uniting trait of our species.”

“What you do will only ever be as good as WHY you do it.”