“Almost everyone talks about world peace. They expect that somehow peace is going to magically appear all around them, and everybody is going to be happy then on. What they do not realize is that, in reality, peace can rise from nowhere else but their own mind. How can you expect the world to be a peaceful place, if you yourself are not at peace within yourself! World peace is nothing but the collective mental state of peaceful humans. Hence, it all starts with the humans – each human – each one of us.”

“The so-called holy warriors are driven by a cause, no matter how disgustingly barbarian that cause be. If only we the conscientious humans were as driven as them, by our urge for real peace and real harmony, then we could, for real, not in theory, live in a world of pure compassion and hatelessness.”

“I might not have risen to destroy people’s beliefs, but some beliefs do need destruction if the human society is meant to progress in harmony instead of sinking into the depths of illustrious interhuman conflicts. Meekness-induced prejudices have no place in the society of thinking humanity.”