“All achievements – all feats of excellence, rise from the protoplasmic realm of the brain.”

“Whatever you do, do as an original human – as a master, not as a slave.”

“Fail, fail and fail again – but never let those failures keep you from moving ahead.”

“Even if the whole world turns against you, until you agree, no failure, no crisis, no obscurity can win over you.”

“Real religion can only be realized by lion-hearts who have the guts to go against all predominant prejudices of the society, not by sheep of books.”

“Fuel for religious violence comes from the creeds of the religious organizations that fundamentally depict that there is only one absolute and undeniable truth, and all others even mildly different truths are expendable.”

“Let the poor be your god, and your service to them, be your religion.”

“The so-called holy warriors are driven by a cause, no matter how disgustingly barbarian that cause be. If only we the conscientious humans were as driven as them, by our urge for real peace and real harmony, then we could, for real, not in theory, live in a world of pure compassion and hatelessness.”

“Any religion that has to do with dogmas and doctrines, and does not evolve with time is only the most immature form of religion – it’s only the most barbarian form of religion.”

“Religion and politics together is the most dangerous of all combinations, when that religion, is not the true religion of kindness and love, but the religion of books, doctrines and priests.”

“Cleanliness is not next to godliness, it is godliness. When the mind is cleansed of all primordial impurities, then and then only real godliness of actual practical potential begins to manifest.”