All Quotes By Tag: Compassion
“When my life became a mess, the seeds of enlightenment sprouted. Self Love soon started to grow. I fed myself compassion. I survived another season of LIFE.”
“Although my mother didn’t know anything about science, she had a great influence on me as well. In particular, she had a wonderful sense of humor, and I learned from her that the highest form of understanding we can achieve are laughter and human compassion”
“Mercifulness, compassion and benefaction are the elements exist only in a brave.”
“To be compassionate, you have to forget your own comfort zone and live well because you live beyond yourself.”
“We all need to be far more gentler with each other.And realise that some people’s heart’s injure with far more ease than others and dance to a quieter music.”
“I look forward these qualities: Honesty, Loyalty and Compassion”
“The only measure for being alive is kindness.”
“They hate you because you act like you’re better than they are….” “[they are] Four that you humiliated in the yard. Four who are probably afraid of you. I’ve watched you fight. It’s not training with you. Put a good edge on your sword, and they’d be dead meat; you know it, I know it, they know it. You leave them nothing. You shame them. Does that make you proud?”
“The crack in your heart allows light in. ~ GOOD FORTUNE page 238”
“To be calm and compassionate you need courage and conviction.”
“I didn’t give up, I walked awayI had enough of accepting actions that were less than I deserved.So…I made a concious choiceTo honour myself,Before complementing another & If that’s what; has made you undeniably mad, Than I know, the history of our connection is hidden in the truth of your heart and regardless of your outcome, I have made the right choice for me.”
“Compassion does not need any special preparation, place or time. You can start it anywhere and anytime. Try it at home, work, school —or anywhere! The more you cultivate compassion the more will be your fulfillment, resilience, patience, grit, endurance and equanimity.”
“Only be productive if you are in the right mental, physical and emotional space to do so. If you are sick, quit trying to make things happen.”
“The tree was so old, and stood there so alone, that his childish heart had been filled with compassion; if no one else on the farm gave it a thought, he would at least do his best to, even though he suspected that his child’s words and child’s deeds didn’t make much difference. It had stood there before he was born, and would be standing there after he was dead, but perhaps, even so, it was pleased that he stroked its bark every time he passed, and sometimes, when he was sure he wasn’t observed, even pressed his cheek against it.”
“Nothing living should ever be treated with contempt. Whatever it is that lives, a man, a tree, or a bird, should be touched gently, because the time is short. Civilization is another word for respect for life…”