All Quotes By Tag: Compassion-quotes
“When my life became a mess, the seeds of enlightenment sprouted. Self Love soon started to grow. I fed myself compassion. I survived another season of LIFE.”
“It isn’t violence that can break through our hearts. It isn’t force that binds us and keeps us together. Only tenderness has the power to accomplish what the fullness of love desires to do. Tenderness that approaches us little by little, and handles our feelings with the deepest affection and delight. Tenderness that is willing to wait for the right time until we are ready and we are no longer afraid.”
“There at the cross, we see all pain and darkness conquered in such a way that it is defeated forever. Not by disregarding it. Not by denying it. But by giving value even to our tears. By loving everything about us, including our very worst hurts.”
“How do you wipe away pain? You don’t. You put in tenderness, compassion and joy. You cling to hope and then you offer everything to God. And you wait, with faith you see all things anew – light shines out from darkness, happiness grows through every pain, and all things become indeed so very beautiful in His time.”
“Hope becomes an option only when we get involved. Empathy must influence the nature of our interactions. And we must remember that compassion is contagious. The more we spread it, the more the people around us are gonna feel it and cherish it. And the more we see it elsewhere, the more it becomes attainable where we are.”
“A little more compassion and a little less anger is what most of us need.”
“Cast light to all you would touch.”
“There is no need to camouflage an already perfect canvas.”
“Always face the sun.”
“By the power vested in me I grant myself light.”
“A smile is a blessing that needs no words.”
“You have always been enough.”
“Opportunities to share love and compassion are all around us. Its going to take an army of compassionate people to heal our world. How will you show yours?”
“Kindness and awareness work together. Through awareness we understand the underlying beauty of everything and every being.”
“If you are driven by fear, anger or pride nature will force you to compete. If you are guided by courage, awareness, tranquility and peace nature will serve you.”