“The greed never ends though,The peace within soul comes.”

“When happiness pours out of your heart; good pours out into the world.”

“The Happiness ManifestoPledge not to complain needlessly.Vow not to anger unecessarily.Promise not to crititize unreasonably.Commit to thinking positively.Aspire to speak intelligently.Strive to live enlightenedly.Your happiness is in serenity.Your contentedness is in charity.Your righteousness is in integrity.Your nobility is in humility.Your innocence is in sincerity.Your blessedness is in humanity.”

“The intriguing placidity from the slothful pace of a snail is truly very peaceful. Our world is in need of this calmness to pacify itself”

“Peace will only ever be obtained when we realize that our neighbor is really us in a different guise.”

“If you are driven by fear, anger or pride nature will force you to compete. If you are guided by courage, awareness, tranquility and peace nature will serve you.”

“Understanding languages and other cultures builds bridges. It is the fastest way to bring the world closer together and to Truth. Through understanding, people will be able to see their similarities before differences.”

“If you want to bring the world closer to peace, be a peacemaker by creating peace whenever you can. If you find yourself engaged in an argument that only stirs anger in the heart, quickly make peace and carry on.”