“Emotions are like waves rising on the ocean of the ind. Waves are part of the ocean, but not the ocean itself. Even an ocean whose surface is wracked by fierce wind and rain contains great calm in its depth. In the same way, a deep,bright seat of the mind lies beyond our stormy emotions.”

“Hope becomes an option only when we get involved. Empathy must influence the nature of our interactions. And we must remember that compassion is contagious. The more we spread it, the more the people around us are gonna feel it and cherish it. And the more we see it elsewhere, the more it becomes attainable where we are.”

“Forgiveness is the four leafed clover of life.”

“Unrelenting internal wars of a society destroys the fabric of unity, yeilding way to the dark veil of divisiveness.”

“Peace; how unassuming you are. Yet, you are king of all the feelings.”

“The question is: do you want suffering or do you want peace? It’s that simple.”

“Music is the one universal language that everyone can speak & understand worldwide” – (G Swiss)”

“In the Way of Excellence, life and your athletic activity is truly a journey, not a destination. Peace comes from loving every moment and every step of the way. Every day is a new beginning”

“Languages connect us and break down barriers when we unite to nurture the best in us and help each other succeed. Happy International Mother Language Day!”