All Quotes By Tag: Forgiveness-quotes
“Hatred is exhausting. You must constantly remind yourself why you hate someone and waste needless energy to keep hating them.Forgiveness; you only need to do it once!”
“The forgiveness that most often eludes us is that which we grant to ourselves.”
“Forgiveness is brave, sets us free from darkness, and allows light to shine the sweet fragrance of life into our souls”
“Don’t dwell too long on the past, forgive and let it go. Too many hours have been wasted on old regrets and sorrow.”
“We are worth fighting for,” we both whispered. Giving one another permission, into each other madness.”
“God has a passion for brand new beginnings.”
“Forgiveness is the four leafed clover of life.”
“But if you forgive someone for something they did to you, it doesn’t mean you agree with what they did or believe it was right. Forgiving that person means you have chosen not to dwell on the matter anymore; you have moved on with your life.”
“Be forgiving but wise.”
“Forgiveness is a selfish act. It unburdens you, relieves you and prepares you to move forward, take big steps and do all that you could not do when you were chained up in invisible ropes of a grudge.”