“I believe that the best leadership is loud authenticity. That is what the world needs now. We don’t need more plastic, Photoshooped perfection. I don’t want people to look at me and wish they could be me. I want people to look at me and see their own potential. I want people to be more accepting of their own failures, imperfections, and struggles because they watch me accept of my own.”

“No one knows you better than the one who created you.”

“No scripture is more divine than the innate divinity of the human self.”

“When my life became a mess, the seeds of enlightenment sprouted. Self Love soon started to grow. I fed myself compassion. I survived another season of LIFE.”

“If someone else notices our qualities and talents, we think those parts of us must be worthwhile. Our potential floats like an island in the sea—uncharted, unexplored. We long for someone to discover us, admire us, colonize us. But why must it be another person? Why can’t you sail that voyage and explore yourself?”

“Sometimes the amateur pilot must step into obnoxious levels of confidence, until the stomach adjusts to its new seat in the cockpit.”

“I wish I could roll back time,But we’re holding broken clocks and lucked out watches”

“Being submissive isn’t cute,Unless it’s behind close doorsAnd you like being on all foursFor your man…or womanThen you do you.”

“The new idea of getting into a relationship because You feel lonelyDoesn’t that feel kind of faulty?”

“living is more than just a pulse”

“Don’t grow up it’s a trap”

“You don’t open up,Not to anyone,What is trust?Stranger danger, tears come free,You want to talk?Well, not to me”

“hauntedBy the court system having no belief systemIn words that escape from soft lips from a soft woman”

“Haunted by the ‘male’ in femaleAs if we can’t stand on our ownAs if we need a tail”