“Before you chase success, status, power, wealth fame or love; first fall in love with yourself – for the person you’ll be if and when you get there is still the same. Success will be a painful path and an empty trophy without self acceptance, self worth or if littered with self hate.”

“Only be productive if you are in the right mental, physical and emotional space to do so. If you are sick, quit trying to make things happen.”

“You aren’t doing “nothing” when you choose to put your well-being first. In fact, this is the key to having everything.”

“You aren’t doing “nothing” when you choose to put your wellbeing first. In fact, this is the key to having everything.”

“Living great lives just means you have grown the skill muscles necessary to make choices in line with your dreams and purpose.”

“It was masturbation, not willpower, that made it possible for gazillions of women to walk down the aisle with their reputation and their hymen still intact.”

“She’s not stumbling, she’s not lost. She’s simply romancing her inner animal and falling in love with the wild part of her soul.”

“Let your light shine so bright that your brilliance can only be ignored by fools.”

“My fears teach me courage. My weaknesses coach me to strength. My scars remind me not to make the same mistakes. I can become who I long to be by loving who I am now.”

“a thousand sunsets meltedin youwhen you peeled off the layers of comfortfrom your limbs.do that often. you look goodwhen you wear your soulinside out.________naked.”

“Today… Color embraces you. It wakes you up and keeps you present. Be proud to wear the color that you call your own.”

“I am the creator of my very own self and I intend to treat me like my greatest masterpiece.”

“Life rises and falls to meet us at the greatest learning potential for our life’s story.”