All Quotes By Tag: Compassionate
“Life sometimes reminds us that it is sometimes heartless by giving something or someone we really need to someone who does not need or even want them or it.”
“A truly compassionate man gives a poor woman a portion of his meal before he eats, not after he has eaten.”
“But I want you to know,” Cleo continued, “that there is hope. And that I am living proof of that hope. Because, even though I was forced into this marriage against my will, I have come to know Prince Magnus Lukas Damora very well these last months. And one thing I’ve learned is that Prince Magnus is nothing like his father. Prince Magnus is brave and compassionate, and he truly wants what’s just and best for this kingdom. Kindness is what makes a good king who will put the needs and rights of his people before his own desires.”
“Wisdom is nothing more than the marriage of intelligence and compassion.And, as with all good unions, it takes much experience and time to reach its widest potential.Have you introduced your intellect to your compassion yet? Be careful; lately, intellect has taken to eating in front of the TV and compassion has taken in too many cats.”
“The language of light can only be decoded by the heart.”
“You don’t need to be a bully to be a man.You just need to be compassionate, and understanding,That’s all.”
“Hide yourself in God, so when a man wants to find you he will have to go there first.”