“Every man has been called to produce a certain number of products within the time allocated to him to live on earth and failure to hit the target would mean a wasted life.”

“Conception takes place when a man gets together with his creator in solitude.”

“The whole world will stand still to give you a way to the top if you practice the rule of ten thousand hours. The world gives way to the man who knows where he is going.”

“The world gives a way to the man who knows where he is going.”

“No man can be skillful without first investing his time into relentless rehearsals.”

“No man has been rewarded world’s richest man for sleeping away his every day and night.”

“No man has become world’s richest man because he wasted his time in the pub in the cinemas watching movies and sports.”

“sometimes a man must fight so hard for life that he doesn’t have time to live it.”

“L’homme grandit au même temps que ça mission!”

“The man grows up at the same time as this mission!”

“إن المرأة تكره الرجل الذي يعطيها كل وقته وتكره الرجل الذي لا يعطيها شيئا من وقته”

“He had never been a social man. He had shunned causes with contempt and disgust. They were for pig-simple suckers and people with too much time and money on their hands”

“I always wanted to know what it is right. Maybe we know each other from time immemorial, if you know that in you is the eternal energy of goodness, which is most important for you.”

“Not the intense momentIsolated, with no before and after,But a lifetime burning in every moment.”

“No need to feel guilty if you can’t be a good man all the time. But anytime your heart is feeling so eager to do even a small good deed, then it might be a good chance for you…to be a better man.”