“Knowledge leaves no room for chances.”

“Often-times, grass was more useful than gold. Man was more desirable than a beast. Chance was more seductive than knowledge, and eternal life was completely meaningless without love.”

“That is life, isn’t it? Fate. Luck. Chance. A long series of what-if’s that lead from one moment to the next, time never pausing for you to catch your breath, to make sense of the cards that have been handed to you. And all you can do is play your cards and hope for the best, because in the end, it all comes back to those three basics.Fate. Luck. Chance.”

“Take my hand, hold on tight, and together we will jump. Jump out of the darkness and into the blinding light. I don’t know what struggle we will experience out there but I believe it is better than struggling here in the darkness. Together let’s change our lives. Let us take risks to create a better life. I believe.”

“Time does not give chances”

“As mathematicians, proportionality principle state that; if 2=4, 3=6, 4=8 and 5=10, so from above sequence, someone can easily guess the value of 6 which is 12.Therefore, in Leadership, if someone can lead 10 people successfully, and sometimes, he leads 50 people and 100 people successfully, so we do all agree that he can also manage 100, 1000, 1000000 people respectively and more. Therefore, it is in that view that, whenever, everyone is given a chance, he can show up his potential by doing something that were not expected from him. @berbason, 21st April, 2017”

“If we are unwilling to crash, we can never soar.”

“But man’s duty is to try and endeavour, success depends upon chance and environments.”

“Time says “Let there be”every moment and instantlythere is space and the radianceof each bright galaxy.And eyes beholding radiance.And the gnats’ flickering dance.And the seas’ expanse.And death, and chance.”

“Man doeth this and doeth that from the good or evil of his heart; but he knows not to what end his sense doth prompt him; for when he strikes he is blind to where the blow shall fall, nor can he count the airy threads that weave the web of circumstance. Good and evil, love and hate, night and day, sweet and bitter, man and woman, heaven above and the earth beneath–all those things are needful, one to the other, and who knows the end of each?”

“And sometimes in life, I imagine, good things do happen. Most of the time, it’s the opposite, obviously. But I don’t think you should rule out the possibility that just occasionally chance might deal you a good card.”

“Today is an ephemeral ghost…A strange amazing day that comes only once every four years. For the rest of the time it does not “exist.”In mundane terms, it marks a “leap” in time, when the calendar is adjusted to make up for extra seconds accumulated over the preceding three years due to the rotation of the earth. A day of temporal tune up!But this day holds another secret—it contains one of those truly rare moments of delightful transience and light uncertainty that only exist on the razor edge of things, along a buzzing plane of quantum probability…A day of unlocked potential.Will you or won’t you? Should you or shouldn’t you? Use this day to do something daring, extraordinary and unlike yourself. Take a chance and shape a different pattern in your personal cloud of probability!”

“No need to feel guilty if you can’t be a good man all the time. But anytime your heart is feeling so eager to do even a small good deed, then it might be a good chance for you…to be a better man.”

“Mankind accepts good fortune as his due, but when bad occurs, he thinks it was aimed at him, done to him, a hex, a curse, a punishment by his deity for some transgression, as though his god were a petty storekeeper, counting up the day’s receipts.”