“If you don’t want to regret your life later, then begin to invest your time, begin to measure your life. Measure your life by the products and by the results you produce!”

“Without order in your life, you will realize that you will only be busy but without commensurate results.”

“It is from your time that wealth is produced, it is time that produces results and product.”

“In the place of solitude, you are able to take advantage of time and bring forth children in the form of products.”

“You just don’t allow time to while away but you take hold of time and make a demand on it to bring forth offspring.”

“It is the conversion of time that produces results and products.”

“Don’t allow time to while away but take hold of time and make a demand on it to bring forth offspring.”

“Money is a by-product of time. Money is the time that is well converted. Therefore, time is the raw material from which money is made.”

“You cannot be upset about results you don’t have from work you didn’t do.”

“For you to achieve and attain the results that ordinary people cannot attain, you must have the understanding that ordinary people don’t have”

“When you apply principles that operate on earth, you will get the results”

“Begin to get involved in activities that produce results for you”

“An activity without results is a waste”