All Quotes By Tag: Earth
“The earth is to be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord”
“It is our business to restore the earth back to God through the principles of the Kingdom.”
“We must be true ambassadors of Christ on the earth in order to be able to put an end to the plague of ignorance in our society.”
“You have received a mandate not given by man, but given and empowered by God, to bring justice to the people and godliness on the earth.”
“I think humanity has forgotten – this planet is for joy.”
“You must know what to do with your time if you must become great in this life. You must know what to do with your time if you must fulfill your purpose on the earth.”
“Most people on the face of the earth do not know what to do with their time.”
“The majority of people on earth are ignorant of what their time should be used for.”
“Given the opportunity of ‘Earth-School’ enrollment – some are humble enough to learn and grow, stubborn enough to fail and repeat, and wise enough to graduate and never return.”
“No aprendas nada, y el próximo mundo será igual que éste, con las mismas limitaciones y pesos de plomo que superar”
“Every man has been called to produce a certain number of products within the time allocated to him to live on earth and failure to hit the target would mean a wasted life.”
“You will need an evidence to show the world that you didn’t waste your time here on earth. Generations to come should benefit from the products of your time converted.”
“God has made the provision for every man on earth to be equally endowed.”
“The only wealth every human comes to the earth with is the wealth of time.”
“Everybody that is born on the surface of this earth, has this wealth called time.”