“Avoid those who seek friends in order to maintain a certain social status or to open doors they would not otherwise be able to approach.”

“The formula of life is simple. It is the formula of giving – giving courage, attention, peace, love and comfort to yourself and the society.”

“The recession and regression of any society are always an indication of how poorly the citizens of that country understand the value of time.”

“It is only when you run away from what society wants you to do with your time and then invest that time into doing what you were born to do that you can attain greatness and live a fulfilled life.”

“I am reliably unreliable.”

“Don’t let societies perceptions and opinions define who you are as a person. Where is it written that you cannot be great at more than one thing?”

“Sound body, serene mind, smiling face and sensible society is enough to live a satisfying social life.”

“Society breeds convention.Individualism breeds invention.”

“If a person labors diligently and has vital qualities, such a person will be very wealthy and successful”

“As humans, the development of our personality and success in life is not influenced only by our innate inherited traits”

“The adherent who believes in the hard working ethics of the black man experiences continuous success and development”

“Plowing like a Negro” is actually the way to success”

“Our success and how well we develop in life is greatly influenced by our perceptions, responses and decisions during challenging times”

“Since we live in a dynamic environment, changes will keep displacing us from our comfort zone. Every person, organisation and society faces challenges, how we deal with those challenges define our long-term success. Develop a breakthrough mindset that seeks solutions even in the time of adversity.”

“Time’s up for modern society.”