Quotes By Author: Saaif alam
“When you feel confident to take huge risks in life and consistently learn from your mistakes, you will eventually pursue your educational, financial, relationship or physical fitness goals successfully.”
“A man made invention is never similar to mother nature’s creations because they do not have the strongest structures that can withstand any kind of destruction and not one hundred percent healthy. This is why nature is our unique beauty that we can enjoy unlike the creations that are made by mankind .”
“A man made invention is never similar to mother nature’s creations because they do not have the strongest structures that can withstand any kind of destruction and not one hundred percent healthy This is why nature is our unique beauty that we can enjoy unlike the creations that are made by mankind .”
“When you work hard in a job that suits your living standards, never greed for fortune because you will distract yourself from fulfilling other important priorities and participating in leisure activities in your current life. You will eventually gain the fortune if you set up a wise investment goal by having pride and confidence on your savings.”
“An intellectual person is always confident about his or her own words when he or she communicates with another individual or the public. However, a person with very low intelligence quotient will express to others what cognitive and/or common knowledge he or she has.”
“Mother nature has no involvement with the existence of a dystopia in our society. . A dystoopia comes into existence when human beings neglects the importance of maintaining a clean environment or cause destruction against a massive group of other people for an illogical/negative purpose.”
“Our mind speak to our souls about the lifestyle we should have. Nobody can dictate our souls because we only have control of our own character and ambition.”
“If people heavily rely on innovations that contain artificial intelligence, they would end up losing their own critical thinking and creativity skills to complete educational and/or job related tasks, which would result them to lose credibility when the work gets accomplished.”
“Curiosity can actually help you to elevate cognitive intelligence and gain useful knowledge about topics that revolve around the world. This can aid you to use proper executive functioning when speaking or writing to a particular audience with the application of critical and solution based thinking .”
“When you initiate conversation with others, always respect others’ thoughts, feelings and beliefs when they rationally negate your opinions.”
“Education attainment is a kind of achievement that nobody can seize from us as the assets we own in our regular lives because we earned it with the use of our own knowledge and creativity.”
“A definition of a term indicates its original meaning from the language the person reads, writes and speaks in daily life settings. However, an intellectual persons interpretation and perspective can modify its context so he or she can sound creative and compelling when he or she educates his or her audience by forming a connection with a particular vocabulary word scholars/ innovative thinkers would use specifically in a particular field of study.”
“Cognitive Intelligence defines a person’s personality trait who utilizes critical thinking based on empirical evidence, logics and thorough understanding of the information during an intellectual argument or an educational setting where they acquire brand new concepts.”
“As a leader, when people in your social cricle says or acts creepy unintentionally, you should inform them about their innapropriate behavior and properly give some positive advise on how to improve their ethics which can result them to form healthier social bonds with you and others. However, if you passively reject people acting creepy instead of lending positive influence , it does not exhibit a true charecteristic of an open minded leader because they will eventually realize that you care about only fame, dignity and/ or wealth.”
“When you ask a knowledgeable person a question it needs to sound insightful and logical so he or he can come with a solution that can respond to your inquiry. However, never ask a question about an obvious situation or idea because it can hinder your ability expand authentic knowledge pertaining to cognitive and practical life contexts.”