“There is a commanded blessing on anyone that values, esteems and stands for justice in society.”

“You must not allow the hurt of the past to haunt or hinder you from fulfilling and performing your duties as one who has a passion to impact his society and make a change.”

“In every civilized society, there is an established institution put in place to design laws that make people live civilized and having rights and privileges as citizens of that nation.”

“If there is anything the leaders in the society or the nations must take note of is to know the importance of justice.”

“You can be a person with a strong passion or holy anger and be furious in a way that will make the society safer, godly, with social justice and equity.”

“To be able to impact the society and to be an agent of change, you have to make yourself available to serve.”

“If you are frustrated with the elite of your society, do something about it.”

“There is definitely a positive aspect of anger such as, anger at sin and anger at ungodliness or injustice of the society.”

“If there is any society where the leaders lack the knowledge and the importance of justice, then oppression will be a common neighbor of the citizens.”

“Ungodliness is confronting the society and everyone seems to be at its mercy because of greed for pleasure.”

“Godliness must be presented with its profit and incentives, not only for the good of the nation and society, but of eternal value.”

“The group of people that are insulting the society with ungodliness are those that are out rightly known with ungodliness and those that try to mimic godliness.”

“The individuals that will stand or speak or act for the sake of the society must be the kind of people that do not accept limitation.”

“You are not entitled to stand or speak on behalf of the people or society, except that you are already provoked.”

“You have to discover what makes you different in your society.”