All Quotes By Tag: Greed
“Every greed is the root of un-gratefulness.”
“فكرت في أن الشجرة المحرمة لم تكن شجرة المعرفة بل شجرة الأحلام، وحاولت أن أكتشف الصلة بين الأحلام والمعرفة، كلاهما واعد يشعرنا بالنهم، والمعرفة وليدة حلم طموح. كانت هناك صلات بين الاثنين، وفي النهاية قررت أن أكتفي بالمعرفة وأتوقف عن الأحلام، فلربما أكون جشعاً إذا ما رغبت في أن أمتلك الإثنين معاً.”
“Greed is an excessive desire for something more than one’s proper share.”
“Ungodliness is confronting the society and everyone seems to be at its mercy because of greed for pleasure.”
“Individuals with greed for power see others as elements to be oppressed.”
“When greed is enthroned, be it in a community or nation, ungodliness is celebrated at the altar of human pleasure.”
“As a result of this greed for power, the poor is not only silenced but also oppressed.”
“At the root of every form of ungodliness, injustice, nepotism, selfishness, every rivalry and competitive jealousy, is the monster called greed.”
“There is no wealth but life.”
“Tyrants don’t become a success.They become obsessed!”
“If money is your only measure of success, do not be surprised when it is all you have.”
“Just a grain can bring a bird down from the skies.”
“It’s time to stop thinking about greed!It’s time to stop talking hatred & bigotry!It’s time to stop discrimination!It’s time to stop using religion as an excuse!It’s time to stand up for the homeless!It’s time to stand up for truth!It’s time to stand up for what’s right!It’s time to stand up for each other!It’s time to stand up, and stop the rape & pillage of this land!It’s time to stand up, and take responsibility for our actions, and no one else’s!It’s time to stand up for our families!It’s time to stand up for the old values & morals.It’s to stand up & fight shoulder to shoulder and stop this carnage.It’s time to stand up for you, and everyone else in this world of ours.IT’S TIME!”
“We spend so long trying to get what everyone else has, that we don’t even realize that we all ready have it all.”
“Gradually it became known that the new race had a definite purpose, and that purpose was to chart and possess the whole country, regardless of the rights of its earlier inhabitants. Still the old chiefs cautioned their people to be patient, for, said they, the land is vast, both races can live on it, each in their own way. Let us therefore befriend them and trust their friendship. While they reasoned thus, the temptations of graft and self-aggrandizement overtook some of the leaders.”