“Selfishness and greed, individual or national, cause most of our troubles.”

“His strength for your weakness! His wisdom for your folly! His drive for your drift! His grace for your greed! His love for your lust! His peace for your problems! His joy for your sorrow! His plenty for your poverty!”

“he who is greedy is always in want”

“There are two goddesses in your heard. The Goddess of Wisdom and the Goddess of Wealth. Everyone thinks they need to get wealth first, and wisdom will come. So they concern themselves with chasing money. But they have it backwards. You have to give your heart to the Goddess of Wisdom, giver her all your love and attention, and the Goddess of Wealth will become jealous, and follow you.”

“Those who try to juggle wisdom, power and greed, drop one of the balls, every time.”—Zarost”

“It was not curiosity that killed the goose who laid the golden egg, but an insatiable greed that devoured common sense.”

“There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West. Some courage and some wisdom, blended in measure. If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”

“And we remember that there must be a balance. No birth without death. No life without tears. What is taken from the world must be given back, and from him who takes and does not give back, who would tip the balance of the river, from him all will be taken. No one should live forever, but should give his blood to the river when the time comes so that tomorrow another may live. And so it goes.”

“We can thank God for the beauty in the world, and we can thank the Devil for the money.”

“Be satisfied!It’s all that God asks.”

“When it comes to my life, I may chase the pay-off of the moment or I may pay-it-forward into my future. Yet, being ‘righteous’ in these choices may grant me neither so that God might grant me everything.”

“To make a deliberate falsification for personal gain is the last, worst depth to which either scholar or artist can descend in work or life.(Letter to Muriel St. Clare Byrne, 8 September 1935)”

“Profit should never come at the cost of human blood. Any government that places profit before people is pure evil.”

“Marty, my mother used to say “Never get greedy with God.” I think what she meant was “Don’t dare ask for more if you already have what you need.” ”