“To be my own god is to spend my life pretending that I am what I am not. But how do I pretend that such pretending isn’t destroying my life?”

“Right or not, I love two things more than anything else. First, I love me. Second, I love using you to love me. And if I were to add a third thing to this mess, it would be that neither of these are love.”

“How can I claim to be the center of my universe when I can’t even conceptualize that which I claim to be the center of?”

“Wisdom without God is just an idea that’s not wise enough to understand that it’s just an idea.”

“I possess the rather amazing ability to cure the need to ever be cured again. And I can do that simply by claiming the ability to cure myself. For in doing so, it won’t be long before I won’t be around to be cured.”

“I’m not so arrogant as to somehow think that I’m God, but sometimes I find myself acting like I’m a little ‘god’. The fact is, if I try to be either of these I will be neither of these nor anything else of much value.”

“Sometimes we don’t have the answer because it’s less about getting the answer and more about our unwillingness to acknowledge that we don’t have it and God does.”