“Don’t argue with a fool, future will teach him some lessons”

“Science is what we have learned about how to keep from fooling ourselves.”

“How foolish to believe we are more powerful than the sea or the sky.”

“A fool conscious of her foolishnessIs to that extent wise.But a fool who considers himself wiseIs the one to be called a fool.”

“Never test the intelligence of a foolish man.”

“I don’t know everything. No one does, and only the foolish seek to.”

“Only foolish men beat their wives, wise men love them and care for them irrespective of their flaws and mistakes.”

“Will it take the death of me to finally learn that the things that I describe as success may very well be the death of me?”

“Right or not, I love two things more than anything else. First, I love me. Second, I love using you to love me. And if I were to add a third thing to this mess, it would be that neither of these are love.”

“The mistake was to think that the hawks were flying under their own power, when in fact they were catching the updrafts created by nature’s power. Therefore, to truly rise is not a product of our own brute force wherein we create the power. Rather, it is a seasoned wisdom that knows where to find the power.”

“Wise men are not pacifists; they are merely less likely to jump up and retaliate against their antagonizers. They know that needless antagonizers are virtually already insecure enough.”

“Wisdom, itself, is often an abstraction associated not with fact or reality but with the man who asserts it and the manner of its assertion.”

“It is a fool of a shepherd who culls his dogs.”

“Wisdom must yield to superstition’s rules,Who arms with bigot zeal the hand of fools.”

“Dzieje kultury wykazują, ze głupota jest siostrą bliźniaczą rozumu, ona rośnie najbujniej nie na glebie dziewiczej ignorancji , lecz na gruncie uprawnym siódmym potem doktorów i profesorów. Wielkie absurdy nie są wymyślane przez tych, których rozum krząta się wokół spraw codziennych. Nic dziwnego zatem, że właśnie najintensywniejsi myśliciele bywali producentami największego głupstwa. / The history of culture shows that foolishness is a twin sister of wisdom. It does not flourish on the fields of pure ignorance but on the fields tirelessly plowed by doctors and professors. Great absurdities do not flourish where one is busy with everyday life. No wonder that sometimes most vigorous thinkers come up with utmost stupidities. (Dziennik 1956, XIX, Thursday)”