“The best way to avoid a catastrophic conflict of beliefs is to be more compassionate about other people’s beliefs as long as they do not advocate for prejudices, bigotry and sectarianism.”

“A leader’s purpose is to provide knowledge and generate trust through kindness. This will provide a foundation that allows others to make choices, right or wrong, and grow in a positive manner from the experience.”

“Be the girl you want your daughter to be. Be the girl you want your son to date. Be classy, be smart, be real, but most importantly be nice.”

“When we see somebody in a difficult situation, we can understand them only if we had the same experience and had lived through it. Otherwise, we just think we know.”

“If you’re tired, if you’re in pain, if you’re worried or afraid – you’re human. Remember that Superman is not your patron Saint. Be kind to you.”

“Oliver thought there weren’t many standards to being a human being. His philosophy was to take a person for what makes them smile, and then leave them the hell alone. People have awful lives all over and they still manage to be good to others. He believed all you should really be is kind – that’s it.”

“I learned another thing from the hurt my cousin gave me – never to give that kind of hurt to anyone else. My revenge was to change a bad feeling into a good one. If I’m working with you and I sense you’re feeling a little insecure, I try to make you feel great. That’s how I get rid of my old hurt. If I don’t do that, my hurt grows and makes me mean and vengeful. But if hurt can change to kindness – that’s something Mama showed me – the world becomes a little less cruel.”

“For every seed of godliness, kindness and justice sowed, there will be surely be a harvest of goodness, significance and greatness.”

“We all need to be far more gentler with each other.And realise that some people’s heart’s injure with far more ease than others and dance to a quieter music.”

“Focus on what you can control. Be a good person every day. Vote. Read. Treat one another kindly. Follow the law. Don’t tweet nasty stuff.”

“Compassion does not need any special preparation, place or time. You can start it anywhere and anytime. Try it at home, work, school —or anywhere! The more you cultivate compassion the more will be your fulfillment, resilience, patience, grit, endurance and equanimity.”

“Time never stops for anybody and never shows kindness to anyone”

“Time itself is created through deeds of true kindness.”

“Let the poor be your god, and your service to them, be your religion.”