“Between the MilesI have always counted the miles.Sometimes they came quick,Other times slow.The distance between things,The way I could know.Close could feel far,And far could feel near.The miles that passed too quickly,The ones I ran out of fear.They weren’t all the same,So I had been told,The unmarked trails,And the days I was bold.Some miles went down,Spiraling so low,When I was afraid to look forward,There was nowhere to go.The sunset came fast,And the day turned to night,But the trails could be endless,If I looked at them right.Everything I knew,All I was told,The conversations left behind,The people who grew old.When the miles stretched out before me,I wanted to sew them at the seam,Looking forward and then back,Holding everything in between.”

“There is joy in every circumstance. Although the beginning is/might be bitter, there are valuables lessons in between that bring joy.”

“There’s joy in every circumstance. The beginning is bitter, but in between, there are valuable lessons that bring joy.”

“Compassion does not need any special preparation, place or time. You can start it anywhere and anytime. Try it at home, work, school —or anywhere! The more you cultivate compassion the more will be your fulfillment, resilience, patience, grit, endurance and equanimity.”

“You thought it would break you in two, but it made you twice as strong.”

“She had learned, long ago and in the intervening years when she was apart from all she loved, that to endure the most troubling times she had to break down time itself–one carefully crafted stitch after the other. If consideration of what the next hour might hold had been too difficult, then she thought only of another half and hour.”

“Stand like a beaten anvil.It is the part of a good athlete to be bruised and to prevail.”

“The foolish rush to end their lives.Only the steadfast soul survives.”

“When she smiles, the lines in her face become epic narratives that trace the stories of generations that no book can replace.”

“Please don’t be overly sober with your precious wings, it’s your addiction to freedom that makes me think that i too can defy gravity.”

“‪A wise man once said, ‘Life is like breathing. If you try to hold it, you’ll lose it. But let it come & go & you’ll always be connected to it.’‬”