All Quotes By Tag: Beautiful
“Beauty is beyond look.”
“A true romance is not something that happens between the skins. It is something that burns our souls beautifully and leaves us craving to be destroyed even more.”
“There was a beautiful time…”
“This is a wonderful day, I have never seen this one before.”
“This is a beautiful life, waiting to be lived, waiting to be experienced. Your memories are waiting for you to get up and make them. Make memories of your time now.”
“She is a beautiful, powerful badass woman who sometimes falls apart inside after she drops her bags by the door and tosses her stilettos. Her vulnerability at night helps her to rise stronger in the morning.”
“She’s Devine.She’s Magic. And she didn’t have to wait for anyone to tell her in order for her to believe that about herself. And that’s what made her so magically beautiful.”
“When it comes to their love lives, some people do not really have high standards; they merely have low sex drive.”
“My heart’s been broken in a thousand pieces I’ve lived and died a thousand times And in each of those lifetimes With all of those pieces I chose you…A million times.”
“Some people would regard people who look like they do as ugly if they did not look like them.”
“I was moving around with my imperfect, broken pieces until you came across and stitched my flaws with your words.”
“Absence is more,thorny on the soul,than however dulcet,presence can be.Apparently,I have missed you,more than,I have ever loved you.”
“With you alongside,Magic is,less a dictionary word,And more a,part of life.”
“I’ll keep looking- till that watery reflection of mine in your eye, rolls down as a tear. I’ll keep looking till we finally look away like our lives never met. Let’s cheat destiny as if we never knew each other. Let’s do this last thing together.”
“In the fall of leaves,In the hustle of breeze,In the curve of streams, I foresee,Nature keeps more concealed,Than it lets us peep!”