All Quotes By Tag: Aphorisms
“So many authors, so little time to disqualify them!”
“Writing is beautiful, like putting on a gold suit and going to sleep in it.”
“Most adults are knowledgeable to a child, but ignorant for their age.”
“Some writers write to forget. Some forget to write.”
“When it comes to their love lives, some people do not really have high standards; they merely have low sex drive.”
“Most of the very few people who would choose a good heart over riches would eventually use that to either make a lot of money, or attract men or women who are rich.”
“We seldom learn much from someone with whom we agree.”
“Some people will insult your intelligence by suddenly being nice or nicer to you once you make it … or they think you have.”
“There’s no such thing as a good or bad person: there are just people who have each been or seem to have been good or bad to you, someone, or some people, thus far.”
“Most women would each be left with fewer dreams or without a dream, if the institution of marriage were to be abolished.”
“Some of the best things that have ever happened to us wouldn’t have happened to us, if it weren’t for some of the worst things that have ever happened to us.”
“Life curses some poor people with the love of luxury, while it blesses some with the very same thing.”