“The past and the present are after all so close, so almost one, as if time were an artificial teasing out of a material which longs to join, to interpenetrate, and to become heavy and very small like some of those heavenly bodies scientists tell us of.”

“When we return to our elementary school playground or the site of our first kiss, we’re dropping in on our own history years later. Visiting those same places in the present not only collapses time, but also memory.”

“He decides it is better to die in Ireland than in Paris because in Ireland the outdoors looks like the outdoors and gravestones are mossy and chipped, and the letters wear down with the wind and the rain so everyone gets forgotten in time, and life flies on.”

“You see her as you see anyone in this world: distorted, warped, reflected, refracted, contorted, mutilated by time.”

“If some mystical clarity of thought came when you looked death in the eye, then I knew Morrie wanted to share it. And I wanted to remember it for as long as I could.”

“I remember when you’ll be a month old, and I’ll stumble out of bed to give you your 2:00 a.m. feeding.”

“History was, is, a one-way street. You have to keep walking forwards, but you don’t always need to look ahead. Sometimes you can just look around and be happy right where you are.”

“You remembered,” she said, surprised that this thing called time had happened to us after all.”

“Memories are aches; they are the laughterSmiles of time flee to seize the hereafter”

“But of course, in one sense, Dean never died – his existence is superior to such accidents. One must have heroes, which is to say, one must create them. And they become real through our envy, our devotion. It is we who give them their majesty, their power, which ourselves could never possess. And in turn, they give some back. But they are mortal, these heroes, just as we are. They do not last forever. They fade. They vanish. They are surpassed, forgotten – one hears of them no more.”

“The day she was going to tell her aunts about the boy she had met.She had come home, having forgotten it was her birthday. Time was both important and irrelevant in the woods; stars marked seasonal changes, the moon waxed and waned, the solstices were strictly observed… but normal days and weeks and months weren’t.”

“Trauma is a time traveller, an ouroboros that reaches back and devours everything that came before.”

“It’s just a memory of another time and place. Memories can’t hurt anyone, unless they are shared.”

“If we take the time to unravel the surreptitious fragments from the past that are veiled in the muddle and jumble of our memory, we may single out the essentials for the present that might be best shots for the future. (Never looking back again”, )”

“There’s a reason we live in time. We are too small a flask […] to tolerate too much knowing. Instead, truth must drip through us as through a pipette, to allow only moments of apprehension. Moments diffuse and miniature enough to be survived.”