“The true definition of mental illness is when the majority of your time is spent in the past or future, but rarely living in the realism of NOW.”

“The closer you get to your past the sooner you realize it was never present”

“At last, the clock settled in the right place.”

“The past and the present are after all so close, so almost one, as if time were an artificial teasing out of a material which longs to join, to interpenetrate, and to become heavy and very small like some of those heavenly bodies scientists tell us of.”

“But for a moment, standing there with Tariq in the sunlight, it was as though those years had never happened. Her parents deaths, her marriage to Rasheed, the killings, the rockets, the Taliban, the beatings, the hunger, even her children, all of it seemed like a dream, a bizarre detour, a mere interlude between that last afternoon together and this moment.”

“Time is not a single train, moving in one direction at a constant speed. Every so often it meets another train coming in the opposite direction, from the past, and for a short while that past is with us, by our side, in our present.”

“Dear soul,am I only because I have been?”

“It is essential, then, to keep one’s attention focused on the present; to guard against any complacency creeping in on account of what one may have achieved in the past.”

“Every step we take toward the top is possible because of all the little steps we took in the past.”

“The concept of time can be viewed as a continuum extending from the past to the present and to the future in which events happen in an irreversible progression”

“Do not beat yourself up for what you did or did not do. That will only bruise you and break you and make you less able to live the life you want. You can’t change the past, and you can’t control the future, but you can sure as hell contribute to the quality of your today.”

“A friend once taught me that we’d all live differently if we could live our lives over, but all we can actually do is try to make amends in the future for the past. That means live the best we can right here, right now.”

“You alone can create the change you seel. But how? By accepting things as they are, you allow yourself to make apt choices.”

“I take care of the future by controlling the past.”

“I remember when you’ll be a month old, and I’ll stumble out of bed to give you your 2:00 a.m. feeding.”