“Jesus was never indifferent to the issues of the people in His day.”

“Don’t wait for a crisis to realize what matters most. Put yourself first right now. Because right now is all we have.”

“Your Clock Will Never Slap you if you west your time, But destiny will one day.”

“They waited and watched, while the clocks seemed to resist time.”

“At last, the clock settled in the right place.”

“Everything is just for a while. Everything is just for its time. Everything is finite. Live and love with these precious moments in mind.”

“Time is the ultimate critic. What future generations think of us and our work ultimately determines our standing or lack of it.”

“Lots of people wait around “for the right time”. People don’t know that there is no such thing as a right time. Time is never right nor wrong. The only negative factor of time is that you can lose it and the only positive factor of time is that you can seize it.”

“The fate of everything we see is hidden in time; only when the time moves, we shall see what fate the things we see have!”

“Considering the general context of the flow of time, it is very disappointing that human life lasts such a short time.”

“Time heals everything, that’s what everyone says. Wounds heal and leave only scars behind. But some wounds run too deep to heal, and pierce the deepest layers of one’s soul. They stay there unhealed and ready to ooze blood at the first sign of grief.”

“If you had all the money in the world, you couldn’t buy an extra minute.”

“If you wait for the right time to come it will never come. Begin where you are and with what you have!”

“Self discipline, punctuality and time management are very important – for life is short, and every resource you have must be well utilized so that you find enlightenment and liberation – your ultimate goal.”